Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Running, biking, running, biking...

I signed up for my first 5K of the year. It's April 10th at Heinz Field on my normal running route. I've asked my sister's boyfriend to run it with me, and he was excited to do it. I looked at the calendar and month!
Here's the thing: I can run 3 miles, no sweat. My best time since I've started back up running again was 28 minutes. Carly's boyfriend can run a 5K in 20 minutes. I don't want to hold him back, but I don't want to kill myself. So I've started to train and I'm taking this seriously.
Last week I ran 10 miles and biked 20.
Monday I ran 3.1 miles in 28 minutes.
Yesterday I ran 1 mile in 8 minutes and biked 3.5 miles in 15 minutes.
Today I plan on running 3 miles slowly, doing 10 minute miles.

My ultimate goal is to run Pittsburgh's Great Race 10K in September. I know I'll be able to do it, it's just nerve racking since I haven't run that many miles at once since the Army and breaking my hip. I am going to take it easy so I don't injure myself.
My super ultimate goal is to run the Clarion County River Run Half Marathon next March.

In the meantime, here's a simple baby food recipe that I made for Luca that he loved:

1 butternut squash, peeled and cubed
1 cup unsweetened applesauce
1 tbs cinnamon

Steam the butternut squash, then combine all ingredients in the food processor and voila! Delicious baby food!

1 comment:

Bachelor Girl said...

I can run a 5k without dying, but I am seriously the slowest runner on the face of the earth. A 90-year-old man beat me one time. By, like, two whole minutes. No shit.